Watauga Substance Abuse Prevention | Healthcare



Healthcare professionals can help build healthier communities by investing in prevention and becoming Good Neighbors.  By utilizing prevention and early intervention techniques, healthcare communities will not only improve the health of our local community, but also help to reduce healthcare costs.

Medical doctors, dentists, psychiatrists, orthopedists, pharmacists, and many more professions make up our diverse healthcare system; all of these professions have a great stake in the health and wellbeing of our young people and their families.

What Healthcare Can Do: 

— Providers agree to provide research-based literature and educational materials regarding substance use and health-related consequences in their offices.

— Providers agree to provide information about low-risk drinking guidelines when reviewing patients’ alcohol consumption.

— Good Neighbor healthcare providers utilize the “Five A’s Behavior Change Model” – Ask, Assess, Advise, Assist, Arrange, adapted to alcohol and drug use behaviors.

— Providers review screening, brief intervention, referral, and treatment (SBIRT) policies and procedures annually and incorporate best-practice strategies for patients with identified substance use behaviors.

— Providers practice safe and responsible prescribing practices, utilizing the Controlled Substance Reported System (CSRS), and monitor patients’ medical history when prescribing controlled narcotics.

— When prescribing controlled narcotics, providers agree to educate patients on safe medication storage and disposal; Take Correctly, Store Securely, Dispose Properly, Never Share.

Resources for healthcare providers:
National Council on Patient Information and Education: http://www.talkaboutrx.org
National Community Pharmacists Association: http://www.ncpanet.org/
Partnership for Drug-Free Kids: http://www.drugfree.org/
Dispose My Meds: http://www.disposemymeds.org
Think Before You Drink – Promoting Alcohol-Free Pregnancies: http://fasdinnc.org/what-is-fasd/nc-fasd-diagnostic-centers/